Friday, June 25, 2010


Whenever Loneliness,
Knocks on my door,
I slam it to it's face.

I've been running away,
Deep down I know,
For I refused to see it,
And avoided it like a plague.

It affects me,
And I hate the feeling of it,

Ah! I don't even mind,
If it trespasses my place.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Prince Charming?

Once upon a time,
I met a prince,
He was everything that I wasn't.

He was tall,
And with brown tousled hair,
One can drown in his deep brown eyes.

I took everything into account.
His look,
His dressing
And everything about him,
I engraved it in my mind.

What is love?
Did I actually fall in love with him during that moment?
I'll never know.

We were acquainted then,
Through friends,
And we became friends ourselves.

How time always flies by whenever I was with him,
I enjoyed his company.
He made me feel different.

I believed during that time,
Had brought us together.

We were seemingly two different people from the outside,
But upon knowing each other,
we had realized that we were alike on the inside.

An attraction was bound to happen sooner or later,
And it did,
A few months later,
We became lovers.

Those were days that I would always remember,
We spent time together,
we laughed,
we even cried.

we were like that for almost 6 months,
But the unexpected happened.

He left,
A message,
he also left behind,
It says, "Those time we had,
were the happiest of my life,
and I'm thankful to have met you,
but I'm going back to London.
Therefore, goodbye.
I pray for your happiness".

Just like the wind,
he disappeared out of my life,
Without a trace,
Leaving me behind.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Moving On

I'm afraid,
I really am,
The past is right behind me,
It follows and follows,
And I know that one day,
It'll destroy me.

Young as I was,
I was terrified,
I have no where to go,
But to seek my own shell.

A barrier was created,
But I'm still wandering,
Like a vagrant soldier.

To reach,
Is something out of my reach,
For I am a coward,
With a mask I wear,
I am no different,
From a masquerader.

My heart,
I realized now,
Was left behind,
From the moment I moved on.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Now and then

The swirl of confusion in my heart remains unchanged,
My two little feet are unable to guide me,
For they are unshaken,
And glued to the ground.

The thick fog in front of me disappeared,
when you appeared,
Time is my mortal enemy,
It has left me in a state of nothingness,
From day to night, night to day.

The once stationary globe,
Moved as before,
The same ol' perpetual spin I see,
I shan't ever forget.

How can I not noticed, that I had it all?
Now and then.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Change is not always a good thing

It's hard to admit one's fault, especially when it regards the sleeping habit of the person. In my case, I'm certainly aware that I had never been a morning person. Never was and never will. As a warning, it is always wiser to avoid me in the mornings, for I have the tendency to inflate my own ego [couldn't be bothered about others]. If I could change my sleeping habit, I wouldn't have to suffer from sleep deprivation anymore. I really should turn over a new leaf, and to try, to sleep earlier.

....Like hell, I will.


I'm lost in my own misery,
As one would get lost in a maze,
Life goes on as usual,
Leaving me behind instead,
What would it feel like?

To walk on the same road
as everyone else.

Torrents of rain continues to pour,
It soon envelops my entire being,
Washing away,
The last of my dry land.