Thursday, September 23, 2010

Laziness + Relaxation = Escapism?

Sometimes, I wonder why is it so hard to take some time out of my days to sit down and write? I always, inexplicably feel a force pulling me away from it all and into the gentle arms of relaxation. Now that I'm actually laying my thoughts out, I realized that the actual reason of my predicament, is that I'm just lazy. To add, my initial perspective was all just a cover, it seems - a cover to shun my laziness, that I'm not very proud of sometimes.

Different people have different things that they're proud of. Some are proud of themselves, in other words, bloated with ego; some are proud of their wealth and maybe, some their health. Mine, as much as I'd like to keep it a secret but sadly, my pride got the better of me, is my mental state of mind. For I always, always managed to keep myself away from the road of boredom and also, to appreciate the simple things in life. Although, I don't think that there's anything to be proud of, I, for some reasons, just felt like saying it.

My form of escapism from our ever-bleaker world is through reading as I believe, it is one of the most effective ways for me to quench my boredom. Reading, takes me through time, space and worlds. There are also times, I get so immersed in the world of books, that I lose track of time. And because of this, time passes by so quickly, so fast - that I don't even have time to think I'm bored.

As this is an example of my escapism, what's yours then?

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