Thursday, December 17, 2009


Please be warned that this is an extremely short story. Thank you.

They didn't meet by chance but fate. It was pouring cats and dogs that day. The heroine was desperately looking for shelter from the rain. That's when she first saw him - sipping a warm cup of tea, in a quaint cafe by the roadside. It was love at first sight for her as soon as their eyes met each others. That was the beginning of their inevitable destiny.

Ever since, the woman would always sit inconspicuously nearby and observe at him. As time passes by, the heroine realized that she was hopelessly in love with him, yet, she couldn't bring herself to confess. This was all due to the difference in social standings. As one with a pair of eyes, could immediately discern that the hero is an elitist. It was a very painful love for the heroine but she preserved.

On one unexpected day, the man suddenly came up to the heroine - offering her a cup of coffee and also her hand in marriage. He told her that he was aware of her love for him and he too, had fallen in love with her from the beginning. Otherwise, he added, he wouldn't have continuously dropped by the cafe. The man then, swore everlasting love for the woman and she swore to respond to that love.

They lead a cozy life together after eloping. It was the only way to be together as it was obvious that both families had opposed to their idea of getting married and wouldn't give their blessings. They were happy nevertheless. But all good things must come to an end...

It was the time of war where the nation, country and the world became chaotic. Gunshot can be heard sporadically on the streets and if one is unlucky, he or she might get shot by a strayed bullet. Worried for the woman's safety, the man desperately searched for a way to send the woman to a safer place. Partly, because most of the men in the country were enlisted – himself included. And so, the two were separated by war - together with the flow of time.

The typical story

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, real person - living or dead and places are purely coincidental. This is based on the author's imagination.

I sometimes wonder who am I and what should I do in life? For some reasons, everytime I ask someone the same question, I keep getting a "just be yourself and you'll be fine" answer. How typical of them. The problem with me here, people, is that I don’t know where my real self is. But there's no way, I can tell them that. It'll be much too sad to be pitied by others and I'm sure, my pride wouldn't allow it.

The weather today reminds me of that very day. Black clouds can be seen overshadowing the vivid blue sky. One didn't have to be a meteorologist to figure that it'll rain soon.

I'm finally in my last year of high school. It seems so unreal that time passes by so fast. Who knows, maybe in the next 30 seconds, I might be needing hearing aids. It's the first day of school and things are starting to get, or in fact, already hectic. We were all instructed to line up according to our respective classes regardless of grades. I feel like I'm in kindergarten again. Hurray. Things got even better later. The principal gave us the usual "back to school" speech. I swear, everytime he opens his mouth I feel like shoving a size 12 boots up his ass. On a second thought, I'm playing the good girl today. So, I'll just let that slide for now.

Sitting in the middle of my new class, I recognize some piggish faces. Gorilla boy is still looking like a monkey and baldy, I see, is as bald as ever. Saying that I’m sick of seeing the same old faces is an exaggeration. I’m glad that some of my victims, I mean good friends are still in this school. Speaking of the devil, there’s the two of them now– Betty and Katie. I stood up and walked towards them. Though, I’m not really in the mood to talk to anyone today but what the heck. Mind you, that doesn’t mean I’m emo. I would prefer calling it a phase.

“Hey, guys. What’s up? I see, you guys are doing fine”, I said, smiling. Rather than just fine, you guys look like you’ve just won a lottery.

“Hi, Merry. How is it going?”, Katie replied, nonchalantly.

I wish they would just call me by my given name. Do I really look merry to you guys? It’s not like I particularly adore the name, Merewyn, but at least, it beats being called “Merry”. Mum loved Anya Seton’s Avalon, therefore, named me Merewyn, the protagonist of the book. Whatever possessed her to do that, I wonder.


“There goes the bell. Shall we have lunch now? I’m famished”, I said, hungrily.

We’re now walking along the corridor towards the staircase. The walls had been painted green all over. As if the school isn’t green enough. It now looks more like a jungle instead of a place for educating idiots. Not like I care or anything because I’m definitely getting out of here next year.

We climbed down the stairs from the 4th floor because students are not allowed to use the elevator which I find it so damn ridiculous. The urge to shout, "All stairs should be burnt", came to me when I set foot on the bottom stair.

Damn. To think, the canteen is barely a few feet away. And, I already feel like I've been run over by a bulldozer. I guess, mummy was right after all, that kids like me are the reason why safe sex must be practiced. Ouch, I feel like I’ve just rubbed salt on my own wound.

Dear Betty, suddenly, decided to give me a nice whack on my head. I guess I don't or will never understand what's going on in that head of hers.

“ Must you do that? If you want something, just ask like a normal person.”, I said while frowning. Hit me another time and I’ll send you flying with the birds.

“ Look over there. At the far, right end, on the bench. Isn’t that guy hot or what?”, Betty said, excitedly without a hint of hiding it.

Even though, Betty’s face is like a chicken. Fortunately, her good taste in men makes up for it. Staring at the guy, I realize he does look rather attractive, from afar – and familiar.

Can someone tell me why everyone in this school are such gluttons? As usual, the canteen is crowded with a bunch of hungry ghosts. Trying to find seats is like trying to search for a grain of rice in the desert.

We were lucky to get ourselves some seats a couple of minutes later. I dropped my bag on the table and went to get myself some food. For once, I was not oblivious towards my surroundings. I noticed the canteen’s management has changed. Thank god, the queue isn’t that long either. I unzipped my wallet and pulled out a dollar and 20 cents, before reaching the cashier. Why? Because there’s always a numbskull behind me, who can’t even wait for a second or two. It’s finally my turn.

“I would like two curry puffs please.” I asked, politely.

“That will be a dollar and 20 cents”, the cashier said expressionlessly.

I accidentally dropped the 20 cents while handing it to the cashier. Goddammit, I must be having butter fingers today. The coin rolled slightly behind me. I bent down to grab the coin, but ended up, head-butting another person who bent down at the same time.

Ouch. That hurts like hell. Should I punch him in the face for picking it up or thank him for that? Now, looking up, I wished that the ground would just swallow me wholly.

“ S-Shane”, I stuttered.

“ Merewyn”, he said, unblinkingly and the 20 cents slipped from his fingers.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Unjustified ramblings

Don't you feel that life sucks at times? As a matter of fact, I do. This stupid notion began weeks ago. My schedule is so messed up that words can't describe it. Lecturers are so frigging boring that it'll put any idiot to sleep instantly. The constant bombardment of assignments that seems to be endless. Oh right, who can even forget, the amount of sleep I get every day. Look at me, and you'll see a walking zombie.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Laziness to the Max?

As you all know, my laziness is nothing new, so I'm just going to skip the details of why I haven't been writing lately.

On a second thought, since I'm actually typing right now, I might as well just say it. Why? Because I'm too lazy. That's why. ;P

First things first, I would like to say that after going through all those hardships that drained 10 years of my lifespan, I finally got my driving license. Maybe i exaggerated a little too much on "my lifespan part" but who cares.

"Me thinks", now's not the time to get elated since my final examinations is just around the corner and not forgetting the fact, I still haven't cracked a single book.

Somehow, I feel like crying now.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An enjoyable day

It's been some time since I last updated my blog. To be frank, it wasn't because I was too busy or anything of the sort, I was just being lazy. I'm the last person you even expect to be hardworking. Where do you think I earned the appellation "laziest person around"?

Today's mass communication lecture kinda bores me. I was practically staring vacantly at the wall while jotting down notes. Thankfully, it wasn't that boring to the point dozing off. Our next lecture with Pn. Ana was fun as always. Never once have I thought it was tedious.

Not much to my surprise, class ended earlier as expected. The few of us went to times square by bus. It was one hell of a bumpy ride. Next thing I knew, we were already at the mamak store, filling up our miserable stomachs. Met up with Tze Yang after that.

Initially, I thought of going bowling but after thinking twice, I decided to go for a movie instead. We (who is Charissa, Tze yang and myself) watched Terminator. It was only average in my opinion. It didn't piqued my interest at all. No offense to those who adore it. I found some parts of the show pointless and irrelevant. It's almost as if, it was just for the sake of killing time. Somehow, the biggest flaw of the show was the mystifying plot. I couldn't comprehend it no matter how much I think. Charissa went back earlier before the movie even ended.

After the movie, we strolled around times square while waiting for my mum. I even bought a handbag which is identical to the broken one I have at home. Went back around 8pm. All in all, it was an enjoyable day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A new start

I had lots of fun today. I met a bevy of boisterous and yet, good-natured people. It's hard to believe that we actually have a lot in common. At first, I was kinda nervous of the idea of meeting new people but those worries were for naught.

Moving on, I would like to say that the compound is really huge. Kinda mind-boggling if you ask me. But it's a good thing nonetheless, since Tar College comprised of **** students. Come to think of it, I have absolutely no idea how many students are there in Tarc.

I'm sure it's going to be quite hectic from here on but one thing's for sure, I'm most probably going to enjoy my college life to the fullest. You can count on that.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

An exhilarating, yet tiring day

I would like to say that it's the first time I actually hung out with Wahyun and Tze Yang. It was really enjoyable. One of the reasons is because I was treated to lunch by "moyang". The other is because of Wahyun's various antics. I find it impossible to not laugh at such a random guy. We spent most of the time strolling around aimlessly and blathering on and on. It was fun in it's own way nonetheless.

Besides that, we also went for a movie. Initially, we wanted to watch X-men but there weren't any good seats. So, we settled for "Star Trek" instead. Let's just say that "Star Trek" wasn't the best nor worst show out there. It was fairly mediocre. The story didn't have much depths as I have expected. Somehow, it felt kinda rehashed to me. I think it's because that it's a remake of the old version? Who knows? I'm not that well-informed to begin with.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The weirdo

Out of the blue, I was told by Kamilah that she had a fractured ankle. So, I paid her a visit during the morning to check on how she was doing. Thankfully, her injury wasn't too serious. Rather, I actually found it amusing, when she told me that she was laughing instead of crying in pain, when she fractured her ankle. Don't you think it's normal for one to cry in such situation? Well, in her case it's a completely different story. After all, she's already a bit of an oddball to begin with.

It's been quite some time now since we last met up with each other, so it isn't surprising that we had lots to talk about today. Seriously, time really flies when you're having fun (especially when you're eating). Without realizing, it was already time to go home.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The toothsome cake

We bought a cake as a celebration of my brother's twentieth birthday. All I can say is the cake was absolutely scrumptious, not the person. Cappuccino cheesecake with some white chocolate sticks as decoration, doesn't that makes you start craving for it? Well, it did for me as I was the one who actually picked it. A delectable choice indeed or so I would like to say.

Last but not least, I would like to wish my brother, Happy Birthday.

Ps: If you're reading this, I would like you to know that you're actually tone-deaf.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

An exhausting day

After all those delays and procrastination, I finally decided to go for my driving test. Alas, the whole thing isn't as simple as it may seem. There's so much that I have to do before I can even get hold of the steering wheel.

By daybreak, I was already wide awake for some inexplicable reasons. I then, did the "usual stuff" such as brushing my teeth and getting dressed. Since there's some time left to spare, I dawdled through breakfast.

As agreed, the driving instructor came to pick me up approximately at 7.30 am. It took about almost an hour, from my house which is situated in Ampang to Bangi and vice versa. At the driving school, we had to listen to one of the instructor's "talk" for 5 frigging hours regarding the rules of driving and so. It was so long and tedious, that I nearly dozed off a few times but sadly, my aching back or should I say my sore butt, prevented me from doing so.

I was already dog-tired when I was on my way home. To make matters worst, it started raining cats and dogs. I could barely see anything that was lay stretched beyond the windshield or windows of the car. Due to the rain, the roads became congested and clogged. By the time I got home, I was already half-dead.

Monday, April 6, 2009


My Reviews:

Gintama takes place in Japan which have been taken over by Aliens or better known as Amanto since the late Edo period. Due to the "Sword Abolishment Act", there were only a handful of samurai's left. Among them, Sakata Gintoki is depicted as an extremely laid-back samurai who carries a bokuto (wooden sword). Together with Kagura, a seemingly normal girl with an enormous appetite and monstrous strength, and Shinpachi, your typical bespectacled adolescent, they'll take up odd jobs to fill their stomachs and pay their rent?

Gintama can be classified as an action, parody type of anime with a pinch of science fiction. The series is exceedingly funny despite being episodic. There are also several action sequences that would put other series to shame, although in reality, its all about comedy. To be honest, among all the "shounen" animes I have watched, I have never encountered a series who the main protagonist actually lacks the motivation to do anything and has an obsession for sweets. That itself already makes the show unique and intriguing. Alas, it's such a pity that many tend to get put off by the series.

Speaking of which, the characters are actually the ones that make the series incredibly ludicrous with their various personalities. I especially liked how the mangaka (author) managed to maintain the jokes without being repetitive, even after 150 episodes. To exaggerate something so insignificant can be regarded as gintama's second nature. I mean, have you ever seen a character, abruptly ends their long, drawn out fight to just take a dump? Or a character, going to great lengths just to get the latest "Shounen jump"(comic) issue, leading to situations such as amnesia? More or less, most of the characters in the series have one thing in common which is their contradictory statements.

The art in gintama is fairly mediocre, although the animation during the fighting scenes are extremely fluid and top-notch. The opening and ending themes are pretty catchy too. It fits the atmosphere of the show.

It's kinda sad that this series is either disliked or not known to many. No doubt, gintama is not everyone's cup of tea but still, I highly recommend this anime any time and day.

Digging up the past

I've been contemplating for awhile now whether i should start a blog. With some continual pondering, I finally made one. It's still kinda unexpected because I don't really have anything much to write about myself nor my daily routines. It's utterly mundane.

Here's a list of things I do - I eat, I sleep, I watch anime (japanese cartoon)...and it's back to square one. Please be informed that I do have a life. It's just that I'm not in the mood to "lepak" with friends at the mall and listening to them blabbing on and on. You think that's what teenagers usually do? As for me, I don't think that's the case. It's more like listening to granny's repetitive stories. Although it can be entertaining at times, it can also be a tad annoying too. Nevertheless, though there may be a little contradiction here, I still enjoy my friend's company. Nothing can replace the warmth and kindness (not forgetting headaches) which they have given me. They (Kam, Bhua and G gee in short) are irreplaceable pals who will not be forgotten easily with time.

We have all started to part our own ways ever since we graduated from high school. All taking a step into adulthood and towards the distant future. Of course, we still keep in touch with each other.

Believe it or not, somehow this made me recalled the past. Looking back, those were the good old days. We shared our joy and laughter with each other. But unfortunately, the road of friendship is one hell of a bumpy ride. There were certain times we felt suffocated and saddened by it. But look at the bright side, since we managed to retain our friendship till this very day, it proved that our trust in each other cannot be broken easily like a chain that binds us together. Haha. It sure sounded corny, but what the heck?.

Ooo, I didn't plan on writing this much. So with that, I would like to end my little reminiscing here. Until next time....when i ever feel like writing. ;P